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Foul Tips

Ball hawk snags foul balls at Missouri Baseball Games

COLUMBIA — It’s a windy day at Taylor Stadium, and that’s good news for Phil Joens. As the wind carries another foul ball, Joens stops midsentence and sprints from his place in the stands.
He does this for every foul ball, at every game he attends.
That means a lot of running and a little on-the-go bookkeeping as well. Joens pulls out his cellphone to change his foul ball total. He uses the number as a signature in his texts and emails. His current signature is “Joens 1101.”

Full multimedia story at (paywall) *here

Barnstorming Monarchs visit New York

The Anderson Monarchs relive Negro Leagues history

NEW YORK -- Saturday afternoon, a different pinstripe-wearing team marched out to Yankee Stadium. They were quite a bit younger, and they all wore the same number on their jerseys. They had no announcer and carried no banners, but anyone within earshot of the Yankees' dugout knew exactly who they were.

"Monarchs this way," coach and founder Steve Bandura called out in his patient parent-like manner. "Monarchs back away from Granderson, he has a game to play. Monarchs, say thank you!"

View full multimedia story at *here

Gary Cotton

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